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BOardman Community Baseball

Structure for BCB 2017 Boys Division for Little League



Coach pitch for 3 pitches and then use a tee if player does not hit after the 3 pitches. Emphasis on players learning basic fundamentals. Players will learn to play all positions by rotating each inning. Games will be 1 hour or 6 innings whichever comes first.



Coach pitch for entire season. Boys in this division will play with a reduced injury factor (RIF) baseball or similar. At this level, there will be a higher emphasis on player development. Players will rotate positions every 2 innings. Games will be 90 minutes or 6 innings whichever comes first. The objective at this level is for kids to learn the following:
• Responsibilities for each fielding position
• Proper fielding, hitting and throwing techniques
• Base Running skills and responsibilities
• Hitting without the use of a tee

Minor “A”


Players will play 8 year old tournament rules i.e.) Coach pitch with an out recorded after 7 pitches or 3 strikes whichever comes first; Play is live until player pitcher has control of the ball inside a circle around the pitcher’s mound; Faster pace and more competitive play; Little League hard ball is used. Games will be 90 minutes or 6 innings whichever comes first with score being kept. Players will play a minimum of one infield and one outfield position per game.

8 year old player pitch will be incorporated during the year to teach pitching, catching and hitting off of a live pitcher. These games will be played under revised rules.

*Tryouts will be held for 7 year olds who want to tryout to play at the Minor “A” Division. During tryouts, the players will be assessed by a committee to determine whether the player is able to play with success at the Minor “A” level. If not, he will be placed on a Rookie team. Please note that 7-year-old players will only be placed on a Minor “A” team if, and only if, he is deemed ready to play and compete at a high level in the Minor “A” Division.

Minor "AA"

8-9-10–11 *

Minor “AA” 8-11*
Player pitch and most little league baseball rules apply. All players will play a minimum of 3 defensive innings. Games will be 1 hour and 50 minutes or 6 innings whichever comes first. All players bat in continuous order regardless of playing the field.


Some 10,

Little League Baseball Rules apply. Competitive baseball is played at this level. Players will play a minimum of 2 defensive innings and 1 at bat. Teams are selected through a draft. All 10-year-olds and all 1st year 11-year-olds wanting to play in the Major Division will be required to attend try-outs. Any 10 and 1st year 11 year olds not attending try-outs will automatically be assigned to a Minor “AA” team and not be eligible for the Major Division.

*Any 10 or 11- year-old player trying out for the Major Division who is not drafted by a Major Team will be placed on a Minor “AA” team.



This 50/70 Division will be a District League. Players can play both Major and/or PONY division or 50/70 only. 50FT MOUND/70FT BASES. JR. LEAGUE RULES     

Jr. League


Jr. League Little League
Home games are at the Fields of Dreams with away games played at surrounding communities.



Tri-T Colt League
Home games are at the Fields of Dreams with away games played at surrounding communities.

Structure for BCB 2017 Girls Division for Little League
(Note: softball age determined as of 12/31/15)



Coach pitch for 3 pitches and the use a tee if player does not hit after the 3 pitches.
Emphasis on players learning basic fundamentals. Players will learn to play all positions
by rotating each inning. Games will be 1 hour or 6 innings whichever come first.



Coach pitch for entire season. Reduced Injury Factor (RIF) ball used. Higher emphasis on
player development. Players rotate positions every 2 innings. Games will be 60-90 minutes or 6 innings whichever comes first. Emphasis on fielding, hitting, throwing and base
running skills. Tryouts for 8 year olds to play up to Minor Division.


Some 8,
9, 10

Player pitch and most Little League rules apply. Games will be 1 hour and 50 minutes or 6 innings whichever comes first. Tryouts for 8 year olds to play up from Rookie Division.


10, 11 and 12

Little League Softball rules. Competitive softball played at this level. Teams selected through Draft. Play in League with other communities. Try outs for those players who did not play on a Major team in 2015.

Jr. League


Jr. League Little League
Home games are at the Fields of Dreams with away games played at surrounding communities.

BCB League structure
Boys and Girls Divisions of
baseball and softball