Structure for BCB 2017 Boys Division for Little League
Mushball |
Co-ed |
Coach pitch for 3 pitches and then use a tee if player does not hit after the 3 pitches. Emphasis on players learning basic fundamentals. Players will learn to play all positions by rotating each inning. Games will be 1 hour or 6 innings whichever comes first. |
Rookie |
Coach pitch for entire season. Boys in this division will play with a reduced injury factor (RIF) baseball or similar. At this level, there will be a higher emphasis on player development. Players will rotate positions every 2 innings. Games will be 90 minutes or 6 innings whichever comes first. The objective at this level is for kids to learn the following:
• Responsibilities for each fielding position
• Proper fielding, hitting and throwing techniques
• Base Running skills and responsibilities
• Hitting without the use of a tee |
Minor “A” |
Players will play 8 year old tournament rules i.e.) Coach pitch with an out recorded after 7 pitches or 3 strikes whichever comes first; Play is live until player pitcher has control of the ball inside a circle around the pitcher’s mound; Faster pace and more competitive play; Little League hard ball is used. Games will be 90 minutes or 6 innings whichever comes first with score being kept. Players will play a minimum of one infield and one outfield position per game.
8 year old player pitch will be incorporated during the year to teach pitching, catching and hitting off of a live pitcher. These games will be played under revised rules.
*Tryouts will be held for 7 year olds who want to tryout to play at the Minor “A” Division. During tryouts, the players will be assessed by a committee to determine whether the player is able to play with success at the Minor “A” level. If not, he will be placed on a Rookie team. Please note that 7-year-old players will only be placed on a Minor “A” team if, and only if, he is deemed ready to play and compete at a high level in the Minor “A” Division. |
Minor "AA" |
8-9-10–11 * |
Minor “AA” 8-11*
Player pitch and most little league baseball rules apply. All players will play a minimum of 3 defensive innings. Games will be 1 hour and 50 minutes or 6 innings whichever comes first. All players bat in continuous order regardless of playing the field. |
Major |
Some 10,
11-12* |
Little League Baseball Rules apply. Competitive baseball is played at this level. Players will play a minimum of 2 defensive innings and 1 at bat. Teams are selected through a draft. All 10-year-olds and all 1st year 11-year-olds wanting to play in the Major Division will be required to attend try-outs. Any 10 and 1st year 11 year olds not attending try-outs will automatically be assigned to a Minor “AA” team and not be eligible for the Major Division.
*Any 10 or 11- year-old player trying out for the Major Division who is not drafted by a Major Team will be placed on a Minor “AA” team. |
Intermediate |
11-13 |
This 50/70 Division will be a District League. Players can play both Major and/or PONY division or 50/70 only. 50FT MOUND/70FT BASES. JR. LEAGUE RULES |
Jr. League |
13-14 |
Jr. League Little League
Home games are at the Fields of Dreams with away games played at surrounding communities.
Colt |
15-18 |
Tri-T Colt League
Home games are at the Fields of Dreams with away games played at surrounding communities. |
Structure for BCB 2017 Girls Division for Little League
(Note: softball age determined as of 12/31/15)
Mushball |
Co-ed |
Coach pitch for 3 pitches and the use a tee if player does not hit after the 3 pitches.
Emphasis on players learning basic fundamentals. Players will learn to play all positions
by rotating each inning. Games will be 1 hour or 6 innings whichever come first. |
Rookie |
Coach pitch for entire season. Reduced Injury Factor (RIF) ball used. Higher emphasis on
player development. Players rotate positions every 2 innings. Games will be 60-90 minutes or 6 innings whichever comes first. Emphasis on fielding, hitting, throwing and base
running skills. Tryouts for 8 year olds to play up to Minor Division. |
Minor |
Some 8,
9, 10
Player pitch and most Little League rules apply. Games will be 1 hour and 50 minutes or 6 innings whichever comes first. Tryouts for 8 year olds to play up from Rookie Division. |
Major |
10, 11 and 12 |
Little League Softball rules. Competitive softball played at this level. Teams selected through Draft. Play in League with other communities. Try outs for those players who did not play on a Major team in 2015. |
Jr. League |
Jr. League Little League
Home games are at the Fields of Dreams with away games played at surrounding communities. |